Doug jumps up to 2nd place before leaving the country

His #1 guy Fitzpartrick came through with a victory in Hilton Head bumping Doug up from 5th place to 2nd place on your FGL leaderboard. That must feel good as he’s off to Australia for a month. Per the FGL by-laws, other FGL managers are free to provide guidance for Doug’s team in his absence. I’m open to any suggestions.

Big J’s number one guy, Justin Thomas, is his worst performing golfer this season. But it doesn’t seem to matter. The rest of the squad pitches in. As the saying goes, “there’s no “i” in “J”. And yet, he continues to lead.

Paul having three guys in and then giving them the weekend off is not a strategy I would recommend.

Realizing that her young Zaltoris has decided to quit for the season, Manager Monica has released him and also fired Tommy Detry. Pinch hitting on the female phenoms’ team will be Kurt Kitayama and Keyoung-Hoon Lee. I know. I had to do some digging. Turns out Hoon Lee is some guy she met at Chipotle at lunch one day. Anyway - welcome!