FGL 2022 season in the books!

Monica needed a 1st and 2nd place finish to pull off a miracle finish. She came close. She got the 2nd place finisher but Don Henley couldn’t quite get the win, ending up in 5rh place. And thankfully, Aaron Wise finished top 20 for me to secure the win as your Commissioner takes home the coveted Tommy O award!

Doug - brilliant move losing two points in this tournament. It drops you behind Paul and improves your draft pick next year.

Team Laustin - so strong for so long. Appeared you’d win this year but I think your guys just ran out of gas as the season ended.

Dave - wow. What to say? At least you were tied for the lead before the season started!

So many top picks just did not produce much this year. And for Big J, Billy Horschel was his top scorer. Billy was picked up after the draft but before any tournament. Great trade but a bad omen when a trade is needed before the season even starts.

FGL managers will need to watch what happens with the LIV league - especially regarding Majors. I would think it would certainly impact the draft next year.

The 2023 FGL Draft Festival will likely take place on SUNDAY afternoon, February 19th.

FYI: Major winners:

Masters - Al
PGA - Jim
Memorial - J
US Open - Kevin
British - Commish