Observations from the Memorial tournament

As part of my duties as FGL Commissioner, I feel obligated to provide you with my own strange observations out at Muirfield Village the day before the tournament.

Biggest crowds weren’t for any pro but rather an amateur. Peyton Manning.

At the 10th green, I saw 2 amateurs both hit really good flop shots from far right of this picture. Both just landed o the green. I’d be deligthed! And yet, both rolled across the green and down the hill. That would kind of suck.

I caught up with Seamus Powers after one of his tee shots. He simply asked, “Where’s Paul?” I told him probably in a Speedo on the Waikiki Beach. He just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

This is Cameron Young’s butt.

View of the 14th green from a suite above

16th green

Got up close to Victor Hovland. I’m not sure Al but your guy looked a little scared to me. Not sure if he’ll play the weekend.

Interesting view. Looking up the 18th fairway to the elevated green.

Maybe Matsuyama woke up late. Dave - he was doing a lot of weird stretches; hope he’s not hurt.